Request Information or a Price Quote from All Businesses Listed BelowBengal Trade Int.l'/ Bengal It. -
Creative Computers & Communications -
Fortune CP Ltd -
General Battery Company Ltd. -
Haque and Company Dry Cell Ltd. -
OmniTech -
Power Tank -
Power-Gen -
Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Limited -
Rolex Battery Co -
Santa Enterprise -
TechnoLink International -
True Powertech -
Xebec & Partners Limited -
Bengal Trade Int.l'/ Bengal It.
Business type: wholesale supplier, importer
Product types: computer and electronic components, energy efficient homes and buildings, water pumps, appliances, capacitor batteries, alternative home and building construction materials, any kinds of new items wish to marketing in bangladesh.
Address: 3/7 Akik Mhal 4C Naya Platan Dhaka , Dhaka , Dhaka Bangladesh 1000
Telephone: 880-2-8360788.
FAX: 880-2-8360788
Creative Computers & Communications
Business type: wholesale supplier, importer
Product types: uninterruptible power supplies UPS, DC to AC power inverters sine wave, batteries lead acid sealed, solar charge controllers, solar street lighting, battery chargers, SOLAR PRODUCTS FOR RURAL LIFE DEVELOPMENT.
Service types: consulting, installation, maintenance and repair services
Address: 75-76 B. S Bhaban(L3-108), Mirpur Road(Science Laboratory), DHAKA, DHAKA Bangladesh 1205
Telephone: 880-2-8624889; +880-1819-225-995
FAX: 880-2-9349118
Fortune CP Ltd
Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier, exporter
Product types: Solar photovoltaic panels, solar PV systems, solar DC fridges, deep cycle maintenance-free batteries, charge controllers, emergency power back-up UPS, solar/generator hybrid systems, solar systems for telecom BTS stations, pure sine wave inverters, energy saver bulbs, LED lights, solar street lights, solar water heating, solar water pumps, solar billboards, wind turbines, industrial/commercial projects, solar pool heating, off-grid systems, grid-tie systems, solar air conditioners, solar garden lights, solar cathodic protection systems.
Service types: Project and system design, installation and commissioning, energy audit, project financing
Address: Regus House, Victory Way, Dartford, Kent United Kingdom, USA, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Cyprus, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Fiji, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Congo, DRC, Rwanda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Angola, Tanzania, Malawi, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Mauritius, Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Madagascar, Turkmenstan DA2 6QD
Telephone: 44 1322303070
FAX: 44 1322303072
General Battery Company Ltd.
Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier
Product types: lead acid batteries, emergency backup batteries, DC powered appliances, uninterruptible power supplies UPS.
Address: 192, Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Swarani. (5 Bijoy Nagar), Dhaka, Bangladesh 1000
Telephone: 880-2-9330236 , 880-2-9349304
FAX: 880-2-9332548
Haque and Company Dry Cell Ltd.
Business type: manufacturer
Product types: carbon zinc batteries.
Address: 85/A New Eskaton Road, Dhaka, Dhaka Bangladesh 1000
Telephone: 0088 01711593599
FAX: 0088028318188
Business type: manufacturer, wholesale supplier
Product types: DC to AC power inverters, uninterruptible power supplies UPS, solar electric power systems, wind turbines (small), batteries lead acid, solar water pumping systems.
Service types: design
Address: 79 Satmasjid Road (1st Floor), Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka Bangladesh 1209
Telephone: +(8802) 8120298, 8115302
FAX: +(8802) 9556475
Power Tank
Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter
Product types: DC to AC power inverters, remote home power systems, batteries emergency backup.
Service types: engineering, architectural design services, maintenance and repair services
Address: 1 Supariwalapara, North Pathantuly, Chittagong, Bangladesh 4100
Telephone: +880 31 4480581
FAX: +88028321085
Business type: retail sales, wholesale supplier, exporter
Product types: gas turbine electric generators, marine power systems, heat exchangers, capacitor batteries, refrigerators and freezers, hydroelectric turbines (small).
Address: 418 C.D.A Market, Pahartali, Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh 0880
Telephone: 031-752576
Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Limited
Business type: Integrator and Installer of Solar PV systems, Electronics assembler
Product types: Solar Home Lighting, Solar Street Lighting, Solar Water Heating, Solar Water Pumping, Lanterns, Telecommunication and Navigation solutions, large centralized systems..
Address: 260-B Tejgaon Industrial Area, 1st Floor,, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1208
Telephone: 00880-2-8832206, 8832207, 8832208
FAX: 00880-2-8832209
Rolex Battery Co
Business type: manufacturer, importer
Product types: Steel scrape, copper, old battery, lead acid batteries, lead acid batteries, Lead Acid Battery Related Accessories, Soyabean Oil, spices, vegetable, fresh fruits.
Address: 5 Wise Ghat Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1100
Telephone: 0088027392574
FAX: 0088027394883
Santa Enterprise
Business type: Technical Services, Repair, Maintenance
Product types: portable power systems, air cooling systems, Ventilation system, Boiler etc. Repair, Maintenance and overhaul of Gas Turbine, Steam turbine, Generator etc. .
Address: K Y Plaza (3rd floor), 191 Fakirapool, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka, Dhaka Bangladesh 1000
TechnoLink International
Business type: wholesale supplier, service, trade association, importer, contractor, engineering
Product types: automotive starting batteries, telecommunication batteries, lead calcium batteries, battery chargers, nickel cadmium batteries, lead acid batteries, Solar systems.
Address: 120/17/1 Kabi Benazir Bagan, Shahjahanpur, Dhaka, Dhaka Bangladesh 1217
Telephone: 880-2-9351548
FAX: 880-2-9351548
True Powertech
Business type: wholesale supplier, importer
Product types: inverter, long back ips-ups and ohther energy efficient applience. .
Address: H-79, Block-B, Chairmanbari, Banani, Dhaka, Dhaka Bangladesh 1213
Telephone: +880-2-8829594
FAX: +880-2-8858257
Send Email to True PowertechXebec & Partners Limited
Business type: manufacturer, retail sales, wholesale supplier, importer
Product types: solar electric power systems, telecommunication batteries, fluorescent lighting, marine power systems, remote home power systems, wind energy systems (large).
Service types: installation, construction, maintenance and repair services
Address: H-71 (2nd Floor) New Airport Road, Amtoli, Mohakhali, Dhaka1212 Bangladesh
Telephone: 880 2 988 2024
FAX: 880 2 882 5379