
Saturday, 5 December 2009

RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds
What is RSS?

UNICEF news feeds use ‘Really Simple Syndication’ (RSS) technology. RSS allows users to obtain updates automatically whenever fresh news becomes available. Headlines and summaries syndicated via RSS are accompanied by links to the full content, available on the UNICEF website.

How do I view a news feed?

To view a news feed:
Copy the link for the feed.
Paste it into your news reader.
What is a news reader?

RSS news feeds can be read with a web-based news reader, or with dedicated news reader software.

Web-based news readers typically require users to register and subscribe to the particular feeds they are interested in. For assistance with the registration and subscription process, users should refer to the support information available on the web-based news reader sites. Lists of web-based news readers are available online, for example here and here (external links).

Dedicated news reader software requires installation on a user’s computer. For assistance, users should refer to the documentation available for the software. Lists of news reader software packages are available online, for example here and here (external links).

What feeds are available from UNICEF Bangladesh?

Name: UNICEF Bangladesh stories
Link: http://feeds.feedburner.com/unicefbd_stories
Description: The latest stories from UNICEF Bangladesh website.

Name: UNICEF Bangladesh press releases
Link: http://feeds.feedburner.com/unicefbd_press-releases
Description: The latest press releases from UNICEF Bangladesh website.

Name: UNICEF Bangladesh photo essays
Link: http://feeds.feedburner.com/unicefbd_photo-essays
Description: The latest photo essays from UNICEF Bangladesh website.

Terms of Use

All content of UNICEF news feeds is protected by law, including, as applicable, copyright laws. Use of the UNICEF news feeds constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use. UNICEF reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time.

More information on RSS

External links open in a new window and take you to non-UNICEF web sites:

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